Today I want to show how to get the same feel for your Windows Phone apps on start up that the newly released Bing apps (Finance, Maps, Food & Drink, Sports and News). Since Microsoft started releasing Windows Phone versions … Continue reading

The problem with Kids Corner in Windows Phone 8
As a father, I was very happy to see the announcement of Kids Corner as part of Windows Phone 8. “Finally” I thought, “I can now simply hand my phone to my daughter and be able to go back to … Continue reading

Detecting Kid’s Corner in Windows Phone 8
The other day I had an idea. My daughter loves kittens. And really, what kid doesn’t? I realized that if I created an app that only showed picture of kittens, she would be distracted when necessary. The problem is I … Continue reading

Continuous Location tracking on Windows Phone 8 Part 2: Background
Mondays article talked about how to use the new Location API on Windows Phone 8. In it, I did not talk about background tracking. Today I will modify the prior solution to do that and to log events to the … Continue reading

Continuous Location tracking on Windows Phone 8
While digging through the Windows Phone 8 SDK docs, I noticed that the Location services seem to have changed to include an option for tracking the handsets location on a continuous basis. It is marked in the docs as new … Continue reading

Using text to speech on Windows Phone 8
Ever since the Windows Phone 8 SDK leaked, I have been digging through the documentation looking for interesting additions to the upcoming release. After spending a couple of evenings trying to get the Wallet to work in the emulator using … Continue reading

Entity Framework & Windows Phone: Part 3
Entity Framework & Windows Phone: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 In the first two parts we used Entity Framework to create a model to keep track of ideas for other app, generated a .sdf database file, generated … Continue reading

Entity Framework & Windows Phone: Part 2
Entity Framework & Windows Phone: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 This is a continuation of my last post Entity Framework & Windows Phone: Part 1 where we walked through the steps to create a simple data model … Continue reading

Entity Framework & Windows Phone: Part 1
Entity Framework & Windows Phone: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Back when I got my first Windows Phone (November 2010), I started taking a look at developing for the platform. I found that there was no database … Continue reading

Using Infragistics ACS Control to Enable Authentication in WP7 Apps
Enabling authentication using social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Live and Google) in a Windows Phone app can be a bit of a pain. Implementing one is fairly straight forward once you understand the workflow back and forth. Once you add … Continue reading

Age Tracker: Source Code
This application is the second one I wrote for the Developer Movement “contest” by Microsoft. The “prize” I chose was a Nokia Lumia 800 which I received last Monday. I was working on another app for the contest but had … Continue reading

Pizza Splitter: Source Code
Today I am showing the source code of my PizzaSplitter app for Windows Phone. It is a simple, straight forward app that saves no settings and has a StackPanel based layout. Download PizzaSplitter.WP Solution This solution requires Telerik RadControls for … Continue reading

Getting system info on Windows Phone
Today I want to show how to access various properties available to developers on Windows Phone. I needed some of these and made a quick demo app. After looking around the net, I found the following resources: Nick Harris .NET … Continue reading

PunchClock: Source Code
Here is the source code for my first Windows Phone application. It has a few thing I would do differently now but I can admit this baby is a bit ugly. Download PunchClock.WP7 Solution This solution requires Telerik RadControls for … Continue reading